Jessica began her Ballet training at the age of 4 with the Albano Ballet company under the prestigious tutelage of...
Mallauri Esquibel
Mallauri Esquibel, a native of Colorado, moved to Los Angeles at 17, Mallauri quickly began making a name for herself....
Rory Freeman
Rory Freeman most recently can be seen as a Principal Dancer in the highly anticipated Disney+ movie “Hocus Pocus 2”....
Jessica Lee Goldyn
Jessica Lee Goldyn is best known for playing Nini in Broadways Moulin Rouge & for her portrayal of Val and...
Tanner Ray Wilson
Tanner Ray Wilson is a Dance Captain in Broadway’s Head Over Heels. He has also appeared in Cats on Broadway, the...
Blake Zelesnikar
Blake Zelesnikar is a New York City professional dancer and musical theater performer. Blake has had the privlage of...