Class Placement

How it works

Initially, class placement for new students is determined by age. Children of similar ages tend to learn at similar rates and enjoy similar activities. Being in a class that you are too young for or that you do not have the experience for will frustrate you and take away from the other students in the class.

Placement for students new to The Dance Collective

Age Class
18 mos-3.5 yrs Early Start
3-6 Dancing Divas
6-8 Ready to Go


These are without exception. Any exceptions to this will be made by studio choice only and will be made only after a student has danced at The Dance Collective. This does NOT mean that there will not be younger students in some of these classes. If they are in the class, they have been dancing with TDC and have been placed here by ability.

Students who have never danced at TDC, but are over 8, should come in for an evaluation. It is often most beneficial and cost effective to attend a few private lessons to gear a new student up for an already established group of dancers.

Once at the school, students will work through these three levels and then will be placed into a group of dancers who work similarly in both pace, attitude and time commitment. The group will move forward in an appropriate pace for them and should not worry about what level they are doing. Parents will be given constant evaluations on their children’s progress.

Fall Classes